- Lecture on Lattice Gauge Theories2019-11-14
- Empirical likelihood inference for a functional coefficient GARCH-Mmodel2019-11-13
- Primal pictures 3D交互式立体解剖学数据库2019-11-13
- 论文阅读写作及学术规范——知网研学学术巡讲2019-11-13
- Topic Derivation in Twitter(推特中的主题派生)2019-11-12
- Springer Nature 助力科研成果发表2019-11-11
- Web of Science核心数据库的检索与利用2019-11-11
- 知识产权助力科研创新2019-11-11
- Effect of a Nutritional and Behavioral Intervention on Energy-Reduced Mediter...2019-11-08
- 摄影技术讲座2019-11-07
- 中国美声——让世界都听得懂的音乐语言 2019-11-07
- Well-posedness and asymptotic behaviorof solutions for the 3D electron inerti...2019-11-06
- Optimal Subsampling Algorithm for Big Data Regression2019-11-06
- 区块链与新经济发展论坛2019-11-06
- 低碳区域能源系统助力城市绿色发展2019-11-05
- Multiferroic materials and their applications2019-11-04
- 基于多反射腔的原子器件的研究进展2019-11-01
- Properties and Applications ofAtomically Thin Boron Nitride2019-10-31
- 如何做好PPT2019-10-30
- 文献管理软件NoteFirst简易教程2019-10-30