作者:集成光电子实验室 时间:2015-06-30 点击数:
Sino-German Workshop on Photonic Manufacturing, Manipulation and Measurement(PMMM2015)国际研讨会将于2015年7月3日-4日举行,此次会议由集成光电子学国家重点实验室和万博体育手机版客户端电子科学与工程学院主办,主题包括激光制造、大面积打印技术、3D纳米结构加工及新型材料研究四个部分,3日上午(8:30-12:30)会场在万博体育手机版客户端前卫南区唐敖庆楼D区314,3日下午(14:00-18:00)和4日全天(8:30-17:30)会场在艾博丽思酒店艾竹厅,此次会议邀请到27位来自中国、德国、美国的著名专家学者做特邀报告,届时欢迎各位师生前来听会。
Date: July 3, 2015
Place: Room D314, Tang Ao-Qing Building
Host: State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics, College of Electronic Science and Engineering, Jilin University, China
报 告 人: Yong-Feng Lu (University of Nebraska–Lincoln)
报告题目: Laser direct writing, thickness control, and ultrafast imaging of grapheme
报告时间: 09:00-09:30
报 告 人: Hong-Bo Sun (Jilin University)
报告题目: Manufacturing, manipulation, and measurement with femtosecond laser photons
报告时间: 09:30-10:00
海报展示: 10:00-11:00
报 告 人: Uli Lemmer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
报告题目: Nanophotonic materials using laser polymerization
报告时间: 11:00-11:30
报 告 人: Christian Koos (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
报告题目: Photonic wire bonding, multi-chip integration, and wafer-level micro-optics enabled
by 3D laser lithography
报告时间: 11:30-12:00
报 告 人: Xue-Jun Zhang (Changchun Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS)
报告题目: Designing, Fabricating and Testing Freeform Surfaces for Space Optics
报告时间: 12:00-12:30
Date: July 3, 2015
Place: The Abritz Hotel, Aizhu Hall
Host: State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics, College of Electronic Science and Engineering, Jilin University, China
报 告 人: Hans Zappe (University of Freiburg)
报告题目: Soft matter micro-optics
报告时间: 14:00-14:30
报 告 人: Yan-Chun Han (Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, CAS)
报告题目: Control over of Domain Size and Crystal Orientation of Non-fullerene Organic Solar
报告时间: 14:30-15:00
报 告 人: Pei Li (Universty of Freiburg)
报告题目: Printable flexible optical circuits
报告时间: 15:00-15:30
报 告 人: Jing Feng (Jilin University)
报告题目: Flexible and stretchable organic light-emitting devices
报告时间: 15:30-15:45
报 告 人: Zheng Cui (Suzhou Institute of Nanotech)
报告题目: Printing Technology for Optics and Optoelectronics Applications
报告时间: 16:15-16:45
报 告 人: Ludger Overmeyer (Leibniz University of Hannover)
报告题目: Production of planar integrated polymer-optical sensory
报告时间: 16:45-17:15
报 告 人: Jun-Biao Peng (South China University of Technology)
报告题目: Metal oxide TFT and AMOLED display
报告时间: 17:15-17:45
报 告 人: Da-Ming Zhang (Jilin University)
报告题目: Monolithic multi-functional integration chips based on polymer planar lightwave
报告时间: 17:45-18:00
Date: July 4, 2015
Place: The Abritz Hotel, Aizhu Hall
Host: State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics, College of Electronic Science and Engineering, Jilin University, China
报 告 人: Feng-Zhou Fang (Tianjin University)
报告题目: Manufacturing of Micro Optics
报告时间: 08:30-9:00
报 告 人: Stefan Sinzinger (Ilmenau University of Technology)
报告题目: Precision micromachining and laser functionalization of freeform optics for optical
报告时间: 09:00-09:30
报 告 人: Ya Cheng (Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, CAS)
报告题目: High-fidelity visualization of formation of volume nanogratings in porous glass by
femtosecond laser irradiation
报告时间: 09:30-10:00
报 告 人: Christof Pruss (University of Stuttgart)
报告题目: Fabrication and characterization of advanced aspherical optics
报告时间: 10:00-10:30
报 告 人: Nicolas Joly(Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light)
报告题目: Shaping the optical spectrum using photonic crystal fiber
报告时间: 11:00-11:30
报 告 人: Boris Chichkov (Laser Zentrum Hannover)
报告题目: 3D Nanoengineering and Laser Printing
报告时间: 11:30-12:00
报 告 人: Xiao-Yan Zeng (Huazhong University of Science and Technology
报告题目: Preparation and applications of electronic components and devices by laser
micro additive manufacturing
报告时间: 12:00-12:30
Date: July 4, 2015
Place: The Abritz Hotel, Aizhu Hall
Host: State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics, College of Electronic Science and Engineering, Jilin University, China
报 告 人: Christoph Lienau (University of Oldenburg)
报告题目: Third harmonic spectroscopy of single Au-nanoantennas fabricated by helium ion
beam milling
报告时间: 14:00-14:30
报 告 人: Yong-Zhen Huang (Institute of Semiconductors, CAS)
报告题目: Microwave Generation using Optically Injected AlGaInAs/InP Microdisk Lasers
Subject to Optoelectronic Feedback
报告时间: 14:30-15:00
报 告 人: Qi-Dai Chen (Jilin University)
报告题目: High performance Micro-Optics fabricated by femtosecond lasers
报告时间: 15:00-15:15
报 告 人: Ferdinand Scholz (University of Ulm)
报告题目: Epitaxially grown GaN-based micro- and nanostructures for optoelectronic
报告时间: 15:45-16:15
报 告 人: Xin-Qiang Wang (Peking University)
报告题目: Atomic level manipulation in molecular beam epitaxy of III-nitride semiconductor
报告时间: 16:15-16:45
报 告 人: Ying-Ying Wang (Beijing University of Technology)
报告题目: Recently progress in high power ultrafast fiber lasers
报告时间: 16:45-17:15
报 告 人: Guan-Shi Qin (Jilin University)
报告题目: Temporally tailored micro/nano-structured optical fibers and their applications
报告时间: 17:15-17:30
注:以上信息来源于校内办公,若有变动请及时通知! 电话:85166975