作者:物理学院 时间:2014-10-28 点击数:
2014年10月30日(星期四)– 2014年10月31日(星期五)。
万博体育手机版客户端物理学院 物理楼333。
1. Chiral effective theories from fundamental QCD.
2. Phase structure of cold nuclear matter
3. Holographic QCD models with dilaton
4. Strangeness in cold dense matter
5. High density EOS relevant to compact stars
Because of the asymptotic freedom of strong interaction, how to understand the nuclear matter properties is a significant and difficult problem both theoretically and experimentally. Meanwhile, because of the sign problem, lattice simulation is not applicable in high density region. So that, any exploration of the nuclear matter properties, either at the model level or at the effective theory level, is valuable. The purpose of this workshop is to gather about 10 of the world-leading theoretical experts in this field, to enable a thorough exchange of information, to discuss the existing results and to strongly contribute to the future of: Chiral effective theories from fundamental QCD; Phase structure of hadronic matter; Holographic QCD model with dilaton; Strangeness in dense matter and; High density EOS relevant to compact stars.
Mannque Rho (CEA/Saclay)
Qing Wang (Tsinghua Univ.)
Yong-Liang Ma (Jilin Univ.)
College of Physics, Jilin University.
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