作者:仿生学会秘书办 时间:2015-09-15 点击数:
时 间:2015年10月10日-10月11日
地 点:万博体育手机版客户端工程仿生教育部重点实验室
主 题:Optimisation and “trade-off” in Biomimetics
主讲专家:Julian F. V. Vincent,英国牛津大学教授,国际仿生工程学会理事长,国际著名仿生学专家。
主要内容:This 2-day lecture will address problems of optimisation in technology and biology. At the end of the course you will be able to analyse biology papers more readily and have learned a new approach to solving difficult problems.
In a classic design problem defined in terms of dialectic materialism, that there are two desired outcomes which are mutually exclusive. The classic solution is “optimisation” - the "least worse” solution where each outcome is not too much harmed by the other, commonly called a “trade-off”. Biology can avoid this problem by changing its control systems such that each of the outcomes can be used, but under differing circumstances.
1. Introductory lecture on Biomimetics, covering basic advantages and problems in this approach to design, some good examples and some bad ones.
2. An exploration of the dialectic approach, with some theory and examples from biology.
3. Formation of Project Groups (4 people per group): Distribution of biological papers and project topics.
1. Group discussion of allocated papers and their understanding.
2.Tutorials with each Project Group, discussing papers and application to project.
3. Presentation of projects, course photograph and award of certificates.
注 册 费:教师500元/人,学生200元/人。
语 言:英文
资 料:PPT讲义(英文)
培训证书:由Julian F. V. Vincent教授亲笔签名,加盖国际仿生工程学会印章。
食 宿:主办单位统一联系住宿及讲座场地,食宿费用自理。
联 系 人:田喜梅
电 话:0431-85166507
邮 箱:secretariat@isbe-online.org
网 址:http://isbe-online.org/?mod=info&act=view&id=928
注:以上信息来源于校内办公,若有变动请及时通知! 电话:85166975